Industrial facilities

Diagnostic assessments address buildings – metal frameworks, roofing, domes, cladding made of pre-painted metal sheets, door and window frames, lampposts etc. – transportation – gantries, rails, tracks, security gates, traffic signs – fluid distribution – pipelines, fittings, valves, flap gates, manifolds or heating – water heaters, reservoirs, holding tanks, under-floors heating.
For several years, A-CORROS has worked with contracting authorities and trained on-site teams to monitor corrosion and assess its criticality. Indeed, on-site, ‘rust’ is so ‘integral’ to industrial machinery that operators often pass by without noting or being able to evaluate its degree of seriousness.
Our mission: to determine the appropriateness and durability of the materials and protection systems in place and make recommendations for the maintenance and protection of the structures to ensure their long-term viability.

Corrosion diagnostics at an industrial installation