A-Corros, corrosion experts

Created in 2007, A-CORROS is a unique company in the domain of corrosion expertise. Through its two branches, the Industrial and Cultural Heritage Divisions, we address the problematics of corrosion in both industrial and museographic settings. Whether stabilising active corrosion present on archaeological artefacts for museum collections or providing corrosion expertise and anticorrosion recommendations for historic monuments, contemporary works of art, or industries- it is our comprehensive approach that sets us apart.
Our understanding of the deterioration processes affecting archaeological artefacts manufactured 2000 years ago gives us keys for anticipating corrosion mechanisms in ‘newer’ works such as historic monuments or contemporary art.
With a multidisciplinary team of experts, from specialists in corrosion expertise and prevention using cathodic protection or protective coatings, to material scientists and conservators-restorers of cultural heritage, A-CORROS offers a unique set of skills and services in the field of corrosion.
Document – Diagnose – Measure – Observe – Analyze – Synthesize – Advocate – Assist
Since its inception, A-CORROS has actively financed research on the precise problematics of corrosion. Our collaboration with universities and research laboratories, in France and abroad (Clemson University in the United States and LAPA, CNRS-CEA laboratories in Saclay) has advanced innovative research projects on corrosion treatment and prevention directly related to our various fields of activity.
Our, skilled, engaged and multidisciplinary team is A-CORROS’s greatest strength enabling it to be proactive and to offer innovative solutions and tailored recommendations for the many problematics related to the corrosion of metals, be they archaeological, historical or contemporary.